Problem in Universal Extracter 1.6.1

I am Using Universal Extracter for Long time
and i always Lookup for its update. After a Longtime
when Universal Extracter 1.6.1 was Released i
was Vary Happy and Downloded it, but it has a Problem
when i extract a file compressed with upx it extracts the
files as garbage data & i think it is due to the new
version of 7-zip which is included please Fix this problem.

I have a sujjestion for the problem that you can make
universal extracter to first of all try to extract a exe file
as upx compressed then try it with 7-zip.

Yeah, I've noticed this problem as well, and it's definitely due to 7-zip's new .exe behavior. I made same changes to the detection and extraction order to try to workaround this problem, but apparently there are still some problems. I'll need to spend some time playing around with some different ideas to find something that will work. Unfortunately, it may be a while before I do that. UniExtract development is still on hiatus; 1.6.1 was just a quick release that I put out to address some long-standing bugs and other issues, so it may be a while before I get a newer version released again.

In the meantime, you can use upx.exe, included with UniExtract, to decompress the file yourself. You'll need to do it from the command line, but it's not too difficult. This should do the trick:

upx.exe -d -k "packed_file.exe"

Note: The following message was originally posted by an unknown forum member on 05/17/2010, but was flagged as spam. I'm manually reposting it here to make it available to everyone.

So how about joining forces with Gora ?
He should help you maintaining official version instead of going with other unofficial branches like now :)


Honestly? Because I'm picky. :-) I like having full control over my project so I know exactly how everything works, and all code (for better or worse) is in my style. I'm not opposed to patch submissions and stuff like that, but at this time I'm not really interested in having co-developers/maintainers. This is all just a hobby for me, so I'd prefer to keep it as enjoyable as possible.

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