Website Migration - Latest News

Submitted by jbreland on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 23:01

The website migration continues in full force. I spent the last few days:

  • Fine-tuning the theme; I'm pretty darn excited about it at this point
  • Integrating a few modules to provide some needed capabilities
  • Porting over custom and page-specific styles (such as the code blocks on my software pages)
  • Updating the style of many of the static content pages to better reflect the new theme
  • Reorganizing some of the menus and blocks to make navigation a bit easier
  • Figuring out how to work around various Drupal oddities, such as the fact that it will not let you move the "My account" menu item to another menu block, or even rename the label

It's been a busy few days. :-) I still have a few more things to take care of, including the all-important database migration. Stay tuned.