problem with extracting

i repair laptops, and also i program laptop bios with programmer,so i should download bios files from laptop support websites,extract them and take out the bios file (rom,bin wph,etc...)and program the bios IC with programmer.
the problem is some of this files cannot be executed,include DELL bios.
this is a link for one of this bios that can not be extract with Uni extractor,
after extracting with Uni extractor the error is (can not extract Microsoft c++ overly!!!)
so if any body can help me,or give me a software for extracting such this files i will appreciated.

reza.farah (not verified)

Mon, 01/18/2010 - 07:00

also i sow the old comments about dell bios,but i want the exact software to extract such dell bios even Sony bios,something like Uni extractor.
any idea?

Uniextract did work with those Dell packages at one point. They may have changed the packaging format. I'll need to dig into it to see what's going on.

tnx for reply jbreland
i put a dell bios link,in my comment.plz check it with your target extractor,and see if you can do it. because i couldn't open it even with version 1.6.
this is another link for Sony bios plz check this also,after i extract it with Uni Extractor i have another exe file that could not be extract to reach the main bios file!!!

I don't get much time to work on UniExtract these days, so no, no answer just yet. I haven't forgotten about your question, though. Please be patient. If you have pressing issue, you may want to check out the MSFN Universal Extractor forum. There are some very knowledgeable folks on the board who may have already discussed this problem.

Regarding the Dell BIOS file, I don't think it can be extracted. I think it's packaged in such a way that the one .exe file is what upgrades the BIOS. I believe I've run into this myself before. Can you replicate this issue with non-BIOS update packages, such as for sound or video card drivers? I believe those should work as expected.

As for the Sony file, that's something I've looked into previously (I think if you search this forum you can find the original discussion). Sony uses some kind of special or proprietary compression for their packages that I cannot identify, and therefore cannot support. However, you can extract the file manually by running the .exe and looking in your %TEMP% directory. One of the subdirectories (with a long GUID-style name) should contain a file called R0190T5.ROM, along with a couple EXEs. I'd assume you can use this files to manually flash the BIOS.

Sorry this took so long - like I said, I'm rarely in Windows these days.

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